Veneers Santa Clarita

Veneers are a quick, easy way to get the smile you’ve always wanted. These thin porcelain shells will last for years and maintain their beautiful look over time, unlike other less invasive procedures like bonding that can age or stain with wear.

You have nothing to lose by coming in for an appointment at our office!

What are the benefits of dental veneers?

One of the biggest benefits to veneers is improving the appearance of your teeth, giving you a brighter and more even smile. Veneers are often used to cover dental imperfections:

  • Teeth with chips or cracks
  • Severe discoloration or uneven coloring
  • gaps in the teeth
  • smaller-than-average teeth
  • unusual-shaped or pointed teeth

How to prepare for your appointment

There are several stages to obtaining veneers, and you must go through the steps on a sequential basis in order to achieve a successful result.

First, your dentist will often take X-rays at this stage to check for diseases. They’ll look for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or the need for root canals.

To get accurate sizing for your veneers, at the next appointment, your dentist removes about a half-millimeter of your tooth using a grinding tool and then takes an impression. This mold is then sent off to the lab for the creation of your veneers.

Let us know you’re interested in veneers and we’ll evaluate your situation, explain your options, and help you make the best choice for you and your smile.

No matter what route you chose, rest easy knowing your veneer treatment will be designed with aesthetics, function, and durability in mind.

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